
Draw – Vary trunk rotation 

Practice: This is an exercise to learn that the trunk rotation during the draw towards the finish can be varied and the amount of rotation is a choice. Make three strokes:
1.  with no rotation, bent over and use only legs and arms only;
2.  to no more than a vertical position;
3.  with a normal finish position;
4.  with a extreme fall at the finish.
Then follow these steps in reverse order back to the first one. If three strokes are experienced as too uneasy, you can also practice with five strokes.
Type: Motor exercise developed by Jeroen Brinkman. Uses a Differential approach.
Purpose: Good learning of the correct trunk rotation towards the finish.
Focus: Pay attention to the angle of your trunk, by wondering if it is in front of, above or (far) behind the seat. Feel your hamstrings when leaning forward and your abs when leaning back.
Variation: Use the exercise Practice body over for the use of the trunk rotation for the catch. Trunk only rowing will learn the rower to use his trunk more explicitly.

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Vary trunk rotation: no rotation (1), vertical (2), normal stroke (3) and extreme (4)

Draw – Vary blade height
Draw – Practice finish hand height

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